As marijuana becomes legalized in more and more states, many farmers have begun growing this unique plant. Marijuana plants have many uses, from cannabidiol (cbd oil) to recreational purposes. It is not a particularly difficult plant to grow, making it appealing to farmers. One thing many new growers overlook, however, is fertilization of these plants.

There are many options when it comes to fertilization methods of cannabis, but one of the best options for this plant is use of fertilizer injectors. Fertilizer injectors should be paired with a drip irrigation system. The injectors work by taking a small amount of concentrated fertilizer and adding it into the water line. This allows for the fertilizer to be directly absorbed by the roots, and unlike other types of fertilization systems, injectors minimize waste and chemical runoff. Fertilizer injectors are highly accurate, and are the most efficient way to nourish growing marijuana plants.

When considering a fertilizer injector to add to your field, there are a few things you should take into consideration, such as water flow rate, injection ratio, and the chemicals being added to the water lines. There are three categories of water flow rates, low, medium, and high, depending on the number of gallons of water per minute the irrigation system pumps into the soil. To calculate the proper water marijuana fertilizer water flow rateflow rate, Multiply the weekly inches of water needed for each marijuana plant by the square footage of crop area by a conversion ratio of 0.623.


The amount of fertilizer being added to the water flow is highly important. It is essential that this ratio is accurately calculated. There are five categories of injection ratio rates, very low, low, medium, high, and highest. 

With a lower injection rate, less fertilizer concentrate is added into the water flow; a higher rate of injection means more fertilizer concentrate will be added to the irrigation lines. Lower injection ratio also means that the fertilizer added to the water will be more highly concentrated. With high and very high injection rates, the fertilizer may not dissolve completely, as max solubility is usually reached around a ratio of 1:200. 

Another thing to consider when choosing a fertilizer injector for use with your drip irrigation system is the type of fertilizer and chemicals being used. Oftentimes, farmers will use an acid to help lower the PH of the soil. It is highly important to make sure that the chosen injector has been designed to handle this type of chemical. It is also important to be aware of the reactions of mixing different chemicals in the same tank. Marijana needs many different mineral compounds to grow and reach maturity. Two important minerals for cannabis plant growth are phosphorus and calcium. To add these minerals to you irrigation system, you would need to inject ammonium phosphate as well as calcium nitrate. However, mixing them together in the same tank would result in a chemical reaction in which the calcium will quickly precipitate out of the solution. To avoid this problem, many agriculturalists use an injection system with multiple injection heads and tanks. That way, the solutions have already been fully diluted before meeting, and will not react adversely. 

marijuana fertilizer injection rate

Injection fertilizer systems are an excellent option for use with drip irrigation systems. They’re low waste, highly accurate, and simple choice. Remember to carefully consider your needs and the settings of your irrigation system before making a purchase, and your marijuana plants will be healthier and happier than ever!